hi ALL Share lgi nihh gw ^_^
Sekarang gw Share 20 Thema Keren Windows xp Yuk.. Langsung aja Di Baca... + download
Watercolor Arrow - This theme looks so cool with a light colored taskbar, blue menu and funny hand-drawn type icons.
Wood Visual Styles - Transforms everything to wood! This theme is tested in Windows XP SP2. A few people reported problems with SP3. (This theme is no longer available. Sorry.)
Clearlooks Gummy - This theme pack gives a "Gnome" look to Windows XP. Available in 14 different colors!
Cadoo Visual Style 1.0 - A smooth whitish theme that gives a great contrast to any icon set.
Dream LH 1.0 - Another theme with the Vista look, but darkish and black explorer window and task panel.
Cara Instal Thema :
My Computer > Local Disk C: > WINDOWS > Resource > Theme :
Paste kan Folder Thema Disitu
setelah itu Buka Foldernya Nanti ada Icon Yg Warna Hijau
Misal Nama iconnya : "Greenvisual"
Klik 2x / Open Otomatis Thema Ganti Sendiri ^_^
Sekian Postingan Kali Ini ^_^ ...
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